
No one likes the unpredictability of life and the storms it brings our way. Steady in the Storm documents Shonah’s personal journey as she navigates through the storm of her husband’s addiction as a newlywed. 

Holding Tension

Life is not clear. Direction is not always clear. Our feelings and emotions are even less obvious. Most people are natural problem solvers. We don’t like discomfort, not knowing what’s coming or desire to achieve the outcome more than process and live the journey. I’m learning more and more that life is about holding the…

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The Wisdom of Adam and Eve

When you think of the word stewardship, what comes to mind for you?  I always affiliated this word with stewarding finances.  Tithing, saving, pay taxes, these are the responsible ways to steward.  I was always pretty good with stewarding my money.  I never really accumulated debt, paid off my car in five years instead of the…

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Time Machine Community

Time machines do exist, but not in the form of DeLoreans or phone booths, rather, they exist in the forms of how a community used to be, how it should be. I do not need to speak of our culture of social media, distancing and isolation for you to know that we have strayed a…

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The Plot Twist

They say that the fear of not doing something has to be greater than the fear of doing it in order to move forward into the scary unknown. I’ve heard the Isrealites standing at the Red Sea to be an example of this. It was scary to move across a sea that had opened up…

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The Beautiful Earthquake

I live in a breathtaking valley, situated between moderate mountains, with a massive lake pooling at the bottom of these mountains.  I drive a decent length of this valley every day as I make my way to work.  Each morning I notice the mountains in the far off distance and complement God on his glorious work. …

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Put Your Boots On

The past two months have been pretty challenging for me. I easily crumble under the pressures life brings, and I recently found myself crumbling under recent circumstances that entered into my life. I may have handled these circumstances differently in different seasons of my life, but my reserves are quite low. No one tells you…

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Off Track

The last two years have really thrown us off track. Take a minute to think back to 2019; what were you doing, planning, dreaming of, working towards? Do those things feel like a pipe dream now? Everything has shifted and changed in the last two years, leaving us bewildered and in a cloud of anxiety…

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Running Out of Options

My brain is shutting down. There is too much to process. My brain has stopped nicely filing every chaotic event into manila folders, to be processed and digested, and has started throwing papers into the air, lighting a match and burning them all. Where do you even begin to process? Things are in chaos everywhere.…

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Why I Wrote a Book, or Two

We’ve all had the conversation, what would you do for a living if you didn’t have to worry about how much it paid? I remember having this conversation with a few co-workers about ten years ago. I surprised myself with my answer. I said I would be an author and public speaker. When asked what…

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Being Tenacious – Sneak Peek!

Being Tenacious is a ‘choose your own adventure’ devotional, allowing the reader to select topics that feel relevant to what they are going through that day. Each Topic has anywhere from 5-10 readings to choose from, choose the reading that’s right for you. Here is a sneak peek into the topic, “When Today Pushed You…

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