Being Tenacious


If you’re like me, it can be challenging to find a devotional that gets to the nitty gritty of life. Most of what we experience here on earth is difficult, pushing us to our limits and challenging our broken natures until we fully break, causing us to face our weaknesses and go through the refining process, ultimately becoming better versions of ourselves.

I went through a storm that pushed me to my limits, straining my strengths and abilities. It caused me to question what I believed and I doubted God’s goodness and faithfulness in my life.

In the midst of the chaos I was desperate for something to motivate me to keep going. Most devotionals seemed like light reads that didn’t take what I was going through seriously or acknowledge how hard it can be to hold the faith in times of trials.

I created this book from a place of knowing what it is to go through challenging seasons. Each entry was created from a place of what I needed to hear in the midst of a storm.

See what the readers had to say!

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First let me say how visually beautiful this book is. The colour scheme, the graphics, the fonts – all work together seamlessly to create a book I would leave on display. And I love how the swirling ink colours represent the turmoil that can be life. Which brings me to the content


Amazon Review


There are so many choice nuggets of wisdom I could never choose just one to quote. There are some real “talking to” moments, some wake-up callls, and some genuine humour – all told in a way that you feel like you’re having coffee with a friend. And I really appreciate the format; unlike every other devotional I have seen, this one is laid out by topics so that you can choose one that fits with where you are or what you’re struggling with at that moment.


Amazon Review


Worth every penny, I highly recommend this book. It is obvious that the author has poured out her heart and her wisdom gleaned through walking a very difficult path as a newlywed. Check out her other book – Steady in the Storm – a truly raw and soul-baring book that talks about that time in her life and is deeply touching and encouraging.


Amazon Review